Since 1975, we have built and developed a network of branches, business activities, and, above all, people who have allowed us to grow as a well-established company in strategic locations such as Italy, China, Singapore, the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Poland and Romania.
Consea has been headquartered in Turin since its inception. Established in 1975 in a local context closely linked to the automotive world, over the years Consea has successfully expanded to the Fashion & Retail and Consumer Goods sectors.
Consea Milano was founded in 2000 starting from the traditional Consea markets, then gradually expanding to different areas, namely prestigious luxury multinationals and FMCG companies.
Consea Bologna was created in 2007 as a business partner for many leading Italian companies located on the “Via Emilia” road, thus becoming a point of reference for both large international groups as well as small and medium-sized luxury artisan enterprises.
Consea China was founded in 2005 as the first overseas branch of the Consea group.
We chose Shanghai, the main Asian economic hub, as our operational headquarters to support important multinational companies in their venture in the Far East, from the start-up phase to their consolidation. Thanks to an international team of high-profile consultants, today we are the trusted partner in Asia of the most prestigious companies in the Fashion & Retail, automotive, manufacturing, and FMCG sectors for the selection of Middle and Executive management profiles, with a strong focus on Top profiles, both local and foreign.
In 2023, we reinforced our presence in Asia with a new office in Singapore.
We operate in America with a team spread throughout the continent (United States, Mexico, and Brazil). Our consultants speak 4 languages – English, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Consea America was founded to meet the growing demands of our customers in the North and South American markets for research and selection, talent mapping, and assessment, with a focus on both local and international Top profiles (middle managers and executives).
Furthermore, in the last few years, we have also supported our customers through HR consulting services, with the aim of making programmatic improvements and helping leaders develop a plan to improve the attraction, development, and retention of talents in the company.
CONSEA AMERICA INC. – since 2017
Chicago, New York, Charlotte, Denver, and Phoenix
CONSEA MEXICO – since 2016
Mexico City
CONSEA BRAZIL – since 2009
Sao Paulo
Estamos presentes en la región de las Américas a través de un equipo estratégicamente distribuido en toda la región (Estados Unidos, México y Brasil). Nuestro equipo puede comunicarse en 4 idiomas diferentes: inglés, italiano, español y portugués.
Consea America se ha establecido para apoyar las crecientes solicitudes de nuestros clientes en el mercado de América del Norte y del Sur, realizando búsquedas, selección, mapeo y evaluación de talentos, con un enfoque en los mejores perfiles locales e internacionales.
Gracias a nuestro equipo internacional de consultores de alto perfil, Consea ayuda a las principales empresas multinacionales, así como a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYME) en sus necesidades de reclutamiento, aprovechando las competencias técnicas, las habilidades interpersonales y los elementos interculturales para identificar a los mejores talentos. Además, en la última década, apoyamos a nuestros clientes con servicios de consultoría de recursos humanos, utilizando un enfoque personalizado para realizar mejoras programáticas y ayudar a sus líderes a desarrollar un plan para mejorar la atracción, el desarrollo y la retención de talento clave.
Servicios: Búsqueda Ejecutiva, Mandos Medios y Talento Especializado, Atracción de Talentos de D&I, Verificación de Referencias, Análisis de Puestos, Encuesta Salarial, Evaluación de Candidatos, Apoyo de RH a Start-ups.
CONSEA AMERICA INC. – desde 2017
Chicago, New York, Charlotte, Phoenix, Denver
CONSEA MEXICO – desde 2016
Ciudad de México
CONSEA BRASIL – desde 2009
Sao Paulo
Consea Poland was founded in 2007 to provide business support to Italian companies and multinational groups operating in the automotive sector, recruiting in particular Executive and Middle Management profiles.
We have also been working in the BPO sector since 2014, selecting young talents with high skills in foreign languages.
From 2024, we reinforced our presence in Eastern Europe with an office in Romania.
People are at the very core of Consea: a young, flexible and multicultural team, with in-depth knowledge of both the global markets and local dynamics in which our clients operate.
We speak Italian, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Polish, and Russian.
Being part of our team means working together with colleagues from all over the world, with the aim of supporting the most prestigious Italian and multinational companies.